2025 Greens Fees Rates

9 Hole Rate

Mon-Thu: $27.00

Fri-Sun: $30.00

18 Hole Rate

Mon-Thu: $37.00

Fri-Sun: $42.00

Cart Rentals

Per Person

(with tax)

9 Holes: $13.00

18 Holes: $18.00

Season Cart Pass*


Pull Cart Rentals

9 Holes: $2.00

18 Holes: $4.00

Senior Rates

9 Hole Rate

Mon-Thur: $20.00

Fri-Sun: $23.00

18 Hole Rate

Mon-Thur: $25.00

Fri-Sun: $30.00

Twilight Rates (5pm - Dusk) Mon - Sun

9 Holes with Cart


18 Holes with Cart


Driving Range & WSGA

Large Bucket

(two tokens)


WSGA Handicap Fee†


* Allows gas cart rental for one, 18-hole round per day. 24 hour advance notice for guarantee of rental cart availability. Season cart passes are nontransferable.

Wisconsin state sales tax of 5.5% will be added to all of the above fees except where noted. We accept VISA/Mastercard.


  • The Viroqua Hills Golf Course is a spike free facility.  Please use non-metal spikes.
  • All golfers are required to register in the club house and start on hole #1 unless permission from the club professional has been obtained.
  • Motorized carts may only be driven by people 16 years of age or over unless accompanied by an adult.  Carts are not to be operated within 30 feet of greens and tee boxes.  Please observe the “no carts” white lines painted throughout the golf course.  Do not drive between sand traps and greens.
  • No children under the age of 13 may play at any time unless accompanied by an adult or with a member 16 years of age, unless they have special permission from the club professional.  Parents, please do not let your non-golfing children wander around the course.  Suggested time for the entire family is Friday from 5-9 pm.
  • Rain Pass Policy – rain passes may only be used at face value.
  • Each player must have a set of clubs.
  • No more than four golfers in a group.
  • People using the facilities shall be required to wear shirts or blouses at all times.
  • No beverages brought onto the golf course.
  • Private parties may be arranged on nights when they will not interfere with regularly scheduled events.  Please consult with the manager.
  • Operating hours during the golf season are 7:00 AM to 1:00 AM.
  • Please remember golf etiquette at all times and allow faster groups to play through on the golf course.  Please place litter in trash cans on the golf course.
  • A NSF fee of $25 will be charged for any non-sufficient fund check.
  • If you have any questions regarding policies and general rules, please consult with the manager at (608) 637-7615